Playing Lean 2
Playing Lean is the board game that can help your team learn The Lean Startup through a fun, gamified, and interactive format. BIGJUMP introduced Playing Lean 2 in Australia in 2018
Playing Lean is now even better! Alexander Osterwalder, inventor of the ‘Business Model Canvas’ and one of the great minds of ‘Lean Startup’ has helped create Playing Lean 2.
The following video is the Playing Lean 2 – Kickstarter campaign video.

The game is designed for up to 12 players (4 teams) where the objective for each team is to reach the Scaling phase and Early Majority (Technology Adoption Lifecycle) first.
Each team makes strategic decisions around which experiments to run and how to develop their startup via: Building Product Features, Testing the Market, Selling and Increasing their Technical Capabilities. The actions of other teams and unexpected outcomes causes players to re-evaluate their decisions and strategies throughout the game.
The game typically takes 2.5 hours to complete.
BIGJUMP & Playing Lean
BIGJUMP was the first to officially introduce Playing Lean to Australia in 2016, when Bruno Pešec visited Brisbane and shared his experiences.
In 2017, Joeri (Yuri) became a Certified Playing Lean Facilitator. BIGJUMP continues to work closely with the creators of the game Simen Fure Jørgensen, Tore Rasmussen, Bruno Pešec and Holger Nils Pohl.
Tore has written about How Playing Lean conveys Lean Start-up methodology.
Playing the Game and Workshop Options
Play the Game! At various locations and times around Brisbane sessions are open to our Lean Business Strategies Members. Maximum of 16 players per game.
Play the Game and Learn the Theory! Half day workshops that will cover the following: Lean Startup Theory, Playing Lean Game Session, Reflection and Discussion. Maximum of 12 – 16 participants. In-house workshops are available.
For further information:
Post Game Reflection
We recommend at the conclusion of the game, an experienced facilitator provides the group with Reflection on the experiences and what was learnt.
Worldwide Growth
Playing Lean is rapidly growing around the world with the following adoption by Governments and Institutions around the world:
- Queensland University of Technology
- Logan City Council
- Oracle Australia
- River City Labs
- Fishburners
- Microsoft Innovation Centre
- University of NSW
- Startup Labs Oslo
- FinTech Factory Norway
- Swiss Startup Factory
- Innovation Lab Fribourg
- Swiss Startup Association
- Norwegian University of Life Sciences
- Berlin University of the Arts
Playing Lean has received strong global endorsement from leaders in the Lean Startup Community.
Ash Maurya, Author ‘Running Lean’.
Alexander Osterwalder (left), inventor of ‘Business Model Canvas’ & ‘Value Proposition Canvas’ and is considered as one of the great minds of ‘Lean Startup’. Dan Toma (right), Corporate Innovation Expert and Co-Author of award winning book ‘the Corporate Entrepreneur’. Both have helped create Playing Lean 2.