Startup Sales: Become a Master of Influence!
Thursday 12 October 2017, 12pm – 1pm @River City Labs
level 3, 315 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley
The truth is that you can learn how to be more influential with those around you!
In 1984, Robert Caildini introduced the Theory of Influence, based on the following six key principles:
Paul Davies will outline the 6 Principles of Influence, and give you practical examples and tips to apply in your Startup Sales today!
Event slides are available on bigjump.com.au/resources
Masterclass – Business Model Canvas & Javelin Board
Wednesday 11 October 2017 12 – 1pm @River City Labs – level 3, 315 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley
This masterclass was to provide and overview of Business Model Canvas and the Javelin Experiment Board to the participants of the CUA sponsored Entrepreneur Program at River City Labs.
We will introduce
- Business Model Canvas
- Javelin Experiment Board
Help you understand
“Thank you for running us through the canvas and the javelin board. The BOMAD team particularly loved the approach to the experiment board.” Karie James, Program Manager Greater Bank
Startup Sales: Navigating your Sales Proposal through large organisations! 
Thursday 28 September 2017, 12pm – 1pm @River City Labs
level 3, 315 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley
Navigating your Sales Opportunities through large organisations can sometimes be as complex as a minefield!
This Meetup will help you:
- Understand the most important question to ask in the first meeting
- Identifying and managing your Gatekeepers, Influencers, Decision Makers, Buyers and Users.
- Tricks and Tips to un-jam your proposal when it gets stuck
- Knowing when to walk away! (Thanks Kenny Rogers!)
- Lean heaps from my success and failure stories!
Paul Davies will outline an approach to better equip you to navigate the pitfalls of B2B Enterprise and Government selling
Event slides are available on bigjump.com.au/resources