James Cook University – Skills Migration Seminar and IT Career Boot camp

Monday April 9, 2018, 9am – 12pm @James Cook University
Level 3, 349 Queen St · Brisbane
On Monday 9th March, James Cook University (JCU) Brisbane in association with the Australian Computer Society (ACS) and BIGJUMP held a Skills Migration Seminar and IT Career Boot camp with over 70 participants.
The boot camp is aimed at keeping yourself relevant and employable.
During this boot camp, students were given a one hour talk from Joeri (Yuri) Timmermans, Founder and CEO of BIGJUMP & Co-organiser of Lean Business Strategies Meetup. Joeri (Yuri) spoke about his own experiences he faced when entering the IT industry and tips on how to find an ITC job in Australia.
More about the event can be found in the article on the JCU website
The presentation slides are available on bigjump.com.au/resources
“I truly enjoyed the event and found that to be very useful for all the MIT students”
Farnaz Faeghnia, JCUB IT Club President